Understanding a brand promise – and how to develop one

I am sure that you are familiar with the concept of “brand”. Most people can explain what a brand is and quote several of their favorite options. However, when we talk about “brand promise” it becomes a little more complicated. This concept is so important for a company that it should be very clear for…

Twelve12’s Versatility & Strengths Showcased on New Clutch Review

Branding, marketing, video production, web development — whatever service you need, Twelve12 is always looking forward to serving your business. Located in Irvine, California, we are a group of passionate creatives and problem-solvers that aim to make a difference. We love helping companies nurture their brands and operations through our efforts. As we aim to…

Branding – More than Colors and Good Logo.

One of the main concerns of some of the clients that consult our Orange County branding team is the difficulty to fully understand why some brands are more successful than others. Most of the time, people come to Twelve12 showing us beautiful logo designs but not succeeding as a brand. If you find yourself in…

Branding Trends and Social Media

Understanding branding trends is not an easy task for most companies; it is even more complicated for small businesses to achieve an awesome branding strategy, but it is not impossible. That is why at Twelve12 we want to tell you a little more about Branding in Orange County and elsewhere and make your life easier.

Branding is what will help you succeed online

Our Orange County branding team became one of the most requested services at Twelve12 during the last few months, and this is why. Throughout 2020, the world has turned 180 degrees, leaving our heads spinning so fast, that we can hardly remember to breathe – especially if you are a business owner.

Understanding the concept of brand identity.

Brand identity and branding are not synonyms. At Twelve12, we want to share with you some information about branding in Orange County and the concept of brand identity. To put it in simple terms, think about yourself as a brand. You have several distinctive characteristics that make you unique, and even if you hang out…

Are Customers Identifying with your Brand?

It is time to talk about how your brand works to help you get customers and why you might need to make some changes in your branding. We have been taken by surprise by many problems that are affecting our normal life, but at Twelve12, we understand that giving up is not an option  –…

Strengthen your brand – and Make a Difference

If you have been following the news, it seems that everywhere we look someone is talking about the world coming apart. It is our job and responsibility to ourselves, our family, our community and the world, to make some changes and help our communities to get back on their feet again and make a difference..

Branding: Piece of the Puzzle?

A Brand is not just a name for a product; a brand is something that, when well managed, leaves a lasting impression in the consumers’ minds. Even beyond the sole purpose of giving a product identity, it reflects many of the characteristics of the target market, their choices, and even their social behavior. A brand…

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