
Turn Every Buying Experience Into A Unique Relationship

I want to talk to you about marketing and the importance of some key things that you should keep in mind every time you develop a marketing strategy. At Twelve12, we are committed to bringing you helpful information about marketing for small companies and entrepreneurs, especially if you are on the lookout for a Marketing…

Connecting Your Audience, Your Brand, & What You Offer.

The question of why people buy things is a beguiling one, and companies pay big bucks to try and figure out these motivations. Sure, we all have those brands we love, and which personally express something about us, but most consumers will admit that some purchases just happen. Shirts are a great example.

Keeping it Real: Personas Matter in Marketing.

As a company, getting to know the demographic details of your customers is step one in connecting with them. Find out as much as possible about the people you depend makes it possible to better speak their language, customize your products and services to their needs over time, and, well, just find them when you’re…

When Not to Follow Trends

Who do you want to be? Starting out with a new company or product, you have a wide range of freedom for answering that question, and it can be a challenge to deal with all that freedom as you define yourself. It’s normal for newish companies to feel an overwhelming desire to be the (Nike,…

Making Money Online

Twelve12 ’s loyal customers and friends have been asking to know more about ways to make money online. If you haven’t been reading our blog, you can go back and look for “How to make Money Online 101″. Today, I want to talk to you about something that most marketing companies in Orange County will never…

B2B Marketing : Bringing New Customers

Are you in the b2b sector? If you are, you probably know by now how difficult is to attract more customers into your business. Most of them already have a preferred supplier and some of them become personal friends with the person in charge of the purchase decision. We have to come up with fantastic…

Don’t Let Your Marketing Strategies Become Outdated

You may think that you already know everything about marketing strategies; that marketing course or marketing degree that you completed a few years ago says so, right? Well, for sure it is a great thing if you have some marketing background instead of having to learn everything on your own, and it is also very…

Content Marketing For Your Business

Content marketing is still one of the most used internet marketing strategies to engage with customers, promote products and services, and improve the search engine rating. Almost every company with an online presence uses some form of content marketing; having said that, if you are not using it already, you should take advantage of this…

The Goal, Vision, and Perfection of Rowing

The business world loves to turn to sports when talking about team work, as it is such a compelling visualization of what teams in action can do. When strapped for a metaphor, using baseball or other team sports can feel like a good fit. However, in my estimation, the most potent business metaphor from the…

Are Your Marketing Strategies Helping Your Business?

Marketing strategies are more important than ever before; it is not just about your product or the way that you interact with your customers. Today we face the challenge of focusing on our client, and we need to offer them the best product or service, at the best price with the best added value. We…

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