Branding – More than Colors and Good Logo.

One of the main concerns of some of the clients that consult our Orange County branding team is the difficulty to fully understand why some brands are more successful than others. Most of the time, people come to Twelve12 showing us beautiful logo designs but not succeeding as a brand. If you find yourself in…

Branding is more than just a pretty logo.

Companies with successful branding have many things in common, but there are a few things that we can always point out about them. At Twelve12, we understand how important is for you to have a successful brand and we want to help you with some pointers from our branding team in Orange County. All over…

Branding Beyond a Logo Design

If you just start your business and want to create a brand, you will encounter two important points regarding branding and branding beyond a logo is critical. The first is that you have a blank canvas to be as creative as you want, and the second is that, if you do not have a clear…

In Logo Design, Proportion, Not Symmetry is King

  “Beauty is rather a light that plays over the symmetry of things, not that symmetry itself.” -Plotinus One of the most difficult parts of learning design is training oneself to see things proportionally.

The Shape of the Brand: Logos and Their Influence

What are you expressing with your logo’s shape? The answer is: something! Even if you haven’t put thought into the shapes of your brand’s logo, it’s likely that your customers have on a conscious or subconscious level. What’s the difference between a circle and a square? How does a zig-zag make you feel, compared to…

Logo Design

Logo Design is one of those things that just needs to be done right! You can do everything else, and do it well. But if your logo is off then it’s just uphill from there. Your logo needs to be representative of who you are and who/how you want to be perceived by your audience.…