The Brand: How Can New Customers Know You?

We’ve all been there—it’s late, you’re driving in an unfamiliar neighborhood, and you’re hungry for a burrito. As you drive down a main thoroughfare, you’re confronted with the choice between the knowns: Del Taco, Rubio’s, or whatever other chain dominates the area, and the unknowns: the various Mexican places that dot the strip malls, with…

Positivity and the Vibrations of Everything

I preface this blog by saying that we here at our Twelve 12 offices in Orange County take branding seriously. I look at the smooth, crisp, modern industrial design of the desk I’m sitting at. On the desk at the moment is a small craft my son, who is in preschool, made for me. It’s…

The 5 Rules for Successful Sales People

Everyone has their own list of “golden rules” in sales and for the most part, no one is better or worse than the other. But we particularly like our list 🙂 Straight to the point: 1. Integrity: You must be honest! Nothing comes before honesty. If you are honest your customers and clients will always…