
Brand it!

One of the most exciting parts of marketing is planning the way that you are going to introduce a brand to the market, but  it is a hard task. All the eyes of the company are set on you and your every move is closely monitored by the upper management. This can be a ticket…

Digital Marketing Planning – Part 3

So far we have reviewed how to analyze the market situation where we have to understand where the company or business is at the present moment. We look into how we are doing business, who buys from us, how and why. We also analyze the competitors and their strategies, their advantages and their weaknesses. The…

Power up your business with professional Marketing

Marketing can boost your company if you take the expert advice of Twelve12, one of the most prestigious Marketing companies in Orange County. Marketing is not just about buying advertising space and media advertising. It is a science and there are some rules that you need to follow in order to power up your business.

Your business identity, and the importance of branding

When you start a business, you also start a brand. The brand is the definition of your business, the very core of what you do and why you do it. Branding is one of the most important parts of marketing a business because it represents the whole. It should be designed according to your values,…