Why You Should be Using Video In Your Content Marketing.

Statistics show that the number of videos watched online everyday by people is estimated in billions of views on any of the most common social media platforms and apps. Also, more than 70% of internet users spend more time watching videos on the internet than doing a different activity. If there are so many people watching videos, why are you not using this amazing tool for your company?

A lot of people don’t like to appear in front of a camera, and using this video as part of an advertising campaign, even less. But it doesn’t have to be like that: at Twelve12, we have, as part of our services, a team of video production in Orange County that will make you look like a pro. But if this is not enough to get you make a video, we have many other options that you may use instead of putting yourself in front of the camera.

People love watching videos, but I am not talking about boring stuff or random ads; what I am really talking about is that advertising can be great fun and bring in new customers as a result.  We discussed in previous articles about content marketing and its power, it has been around for a few years now and it has been growing since.

Over the past few years, content marketing has been one of the most popular online marketing tools used by companies and entrepreneurs alike. Its popularity is not only based on marketing trend, content marketing has proved to be very effective, and even more than just content marketing, those companies or individuals that dare to use online video to complement their content marketing campaigns have shown better results than those who only use written content.

But, why is online video so effective? As we ask our customers at Twelve12, would you rather watch a short video or read 4 or 5 pages with the exact same information with images or screen shots? The answer is always “watch a video” –  the answer is fast and simple because even to show how a product works, video is always the best way to do it and people enjoy watching your presentation. It is not only effective; it is also a way to connect with our clients. Latest marketing research shows that a deep and meaningful connection with the customer is the best way to go.

Give us a call today and find out more about our video production deals in Orange County, at Twelve12, we have exactly what you are looking for.

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