Customerization is Good for You

At Twelve12, we get very excited when our customers succeed; this is why we keep finding ways to help your business grow. As we always say, all our clients are different, even if they sell the same type of product. The needs of each company are different; some of them are new and they need a boost to help them out to spread the word about the new business in town, and some are established companies that desperately want a change to become more appealing to new customers. One of the keys to our success as a top branding agency in Los Angeles is Customerization.

This is a great opportunity that any company should look into, yet if you are new to marketing, you probably haven’t heard before this term. Let’s review the meaning of this strategy.

Customerization is when a company customizes a product with the client’s specifications. In order to make it very easy to understand, let’s just think as a customer for a second. Now think about Asian food and specifically think about noodles. Most of us love noodles, but can you imagine if you could only buy noodles with hot sauce and fish? That would probably be a big no-no for many out there, and instead of selling, let’s say 500 orders a day, the Asian food place would only sell to a small percentage of the population that actually likes the combination of hot sauce and fish. A great example of Customerization is those Asian places where you can go and order your noodles with a selection of your choice that includes different sauce flavors, your choice of vegetables, type of meat, even extra ingredients such as peanuts, sunflower seeds and even cheese. They still have a great product and they will be serving noodles left and right, just because they listened to their customers and learned that each customer is more willing to buy and pay a little extra by letting them make their own combinations.

Now, this is an easy example, and not all products are the same or as easy to adapt to Customerization as noodles. Cell phones and other gadgets could be a good example, but if you think about it, they still can implement this strategy in a more basic way, with multi-design cases, add-ons, special features as many computer suppliers do. The sky is the limit and it is a fun way to attract more clients to your business and make them feel that you care.

A huge part of your branding strategy is to have a great product, and Customerization is a great way to achieve this. Give us a call today and find out more about the options that we have for your company and remember, when you think about a branding agency in Los Angeles, Twelve12 is your best choice.

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